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The February issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management is now available
The featured article focuses on anticoagulant rodenticides in coyotes
The Journal of Wildlife Management is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published eight times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation, focusing on aspects of wildlife that can assist management and conservation.
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Coyotes (Canis latrans) sometimes prey on species that have been poisoned by anticoagulant rodenticides, which can kill the canids. In the featured article for this issue of JWM, researchers quantified rodenticide exposure in carcasses of urban and suburban coyotes in Southern California and compared these findings to those in rural coyotes in other areas of the state. Nearly all urban coyotes were exposed to anticoagulant rodenticides, they found, compared to only about 42% of rural coyotes.
Other articles look at the impacts of forest management on endangered Mount Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), raccoon (Procyon lotor) density estimates from camera traps for raccoon rabies management, invasive predators posing a risk to threatened shorebirds and much more.
Log in to read the February issue today.

Header Image: Credit: Charles Larry