How well does JWM perform on gender equity?
The Journal of Wildlife Management has improved in its representation of women authors

Planned underpasses will help boost red wolf recovery
New wildlife crossings will protect the critically endangered species whose numbers have taken a hit from vehicle collisions

WSB: Breeding wolves vulnerable to wolf harvest
The discovery has implications for managing pack populations

Headstarting program gives endangered amphibians, reptiles a boost
The Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy will be helping bring back a number of species threatened with extinction

TWS Receives Award from the Dallas Safari Club Foundation
$10,000 award recognizes significant contributions to wildlife conservation and education

The cost of conserving Australia’s wildlife
An estimated $15.6 billion would reverse extinction of 99 Australian species

Climate Connections features Sarah Fritts
The Yale radio program focused on how bats and wind turbines can coexist

Slender-billed curlew declared extinct
Scientists haven’t confirmed shorebird sighting in three decades

Can drones haze wolves?
To stop predation on livestock in Oregon, researchers took to the skies