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Western Section to host camera trapping workshop
Join the Western Section for the one of their most asked-for workshops! Remote cameras have become an invaluable tool for wildlife research and management as an economic, non-invasive, and consistently effective way to document animals. This workshop will examine the pros and cons of commercially available camera traps, their use in the field, and case studies demonstrating their value. By the end, instructors John Perrine and Katie Moriarty should have you ready to implement your own surveys.
Set in beautiful Lassen Volcanic National Park, participants will be able to get hands-on experience setting up trapping stations within one of Northern California’s scenic treasures.
The workshop lasts from July 14-17, 2017.
Early bird registration lasts until June 14 and is:
$430 for members
$475 for non-members
$215 for students
To register, please go here: A flyer with more information is also available here.
Registration deadline is June 25.
Header Image: ©Theo Crazzolara