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TWS updates position statement on lead ammunition
The Wildlife Society’s Council renewed and updated the organization’s Lead in Hunting Ammunition and Fishing Tackle position statement that was due to expire later this year.
“The Wildlife Society has been a strong leader on the issue of lead in hunting ammunition and fishing tackle for many years,” said Gordon Batcheller, President of The Wildlife Society.
The Wildlife Society’s position statements are broad and topical statements on critical issues facing the wildlife profession and its conservation work. These statements are part of TWS’ suite of policy resources that cover a wide range of topics relevant to wildlife management and conservation policy.
The new position statement is part of TWS’ focus on this issue over the past several years. The Wildlife Society published a comprehensive technical review on lead ammunition in 2008 alongside the American Fisheries Society. A field workshop at the 2017 Annual Conference and a comprehensive symposium during the 2021 annual conference brought together key experts on lead toxicology, wildlife disease, hunting, shooting, and game management.
The Council’s Position Statements Committee collaboratively reviewed the Lead in Hunting Ammunition and Fishing Tackle statement and recommended changes, incorporating input from a special advisory committee appointed by President Batcheller of topical experts and TWS working groups. The committee also sought input from external organizations, including the American Fisheries Society, and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Council then reworked, reviewed, and approved the recommendations.
“Our background put us in a strong position to consider appropriate revisions to the policy statement,” said President Batcheller. “As President, I am very grateful for the hard work of the advisory committee and the Position Statements Committee. Our new position statement is strong and continues our tradition and responsibility as leaders in the wildlife profession.”
The revised position statement continues to recognize the harmful effects of lead exposure on wildlife, and conveys TWS support for the voluntary replacement of lead-based hunting ammunition and fishing tackle with non-lead products; support for educational opportunities, practices, and policies that promote the phase-out of lead; and support for human dimensions research into the use of lead hunting ammunition and fishing tackle.
Read The Wildlife Society’s updated position statement on Lead in Hunting Ammunition and Fishing Tackle.
Header Image: Elk (Cervus canadensis) in Yellowstone National Park. Credit: Credit: NAME