How to work with local governments workshop

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society will host “How to work with local governments: a workshop for biologists” Nov. 30-Dec. 2 in Davis, California.

This three-day workshop will go into the steps it takes to coordinate with municipal, county, special district, and joint powers authorities as a consultant, conservationist, agency biologist or researcher. Instructors will bring decades of experience to the topic, covering everything from ethics to CEQA implications and more. The workshop will incorporate examples from personal experience, as well as have guest speakers from different entities and agencies.

Early registration lasts until Oct. 30 and is:

$335 for Section members
$380 for non-members
(Student registration spots are already filled)

To register please visit More information is also available here.

Contact Ivan Parr at with any questions.


Header Image: ©Max Rae