Check out the list below for an overview of current policy priorities. You can learn more about TWS’ policy program by visiting More information about how wildlifers can engaged in wildlife policy is available in TWS’ Policy Toolkit.

©Kristina Harkins
U.S. Congressional Appropriations
Each year, the U.S. federal appropriations process determines funding allocations for federal agencies that manage wildlife resources and administer grant programs for wildlife conservation. Funding provided through the congressional appropriations process enables wildlife professionals to provide on-the-ground support for wildlife populations and their habitat. TWS members should engage with their Representatives and Senators to communicate the importance of funding different wildlife conservation programs that impact their professional lives.
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in the conservation of America’s most at-risk species. This bill would establish nearly 1.4 billion in dedicated funding annually for state and tribal wildlife agencies to implement proactive and voluntary conservation measures to address America’s wildlife crisis. TWS members can learn more about the bill and reach out directly to their members of Congress with information on how this legislation would impact their state.

©Morgan Mark
National Wildlife Refuge System
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System is the nation’s only set of federal lands dedicated to the conservation and management of America’s native wildlife. It is the largest and most diverse network of conservation lands in the world. Chronic underfunding threatens the Refuge System and forces it to defer a range of critical services. TWS members can learn more about the Refuge System and reach out directly to their members of Congress to communicate the importance of funding its operations and maintenance accounts.
Migratory Bird Protection Act
For decades, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act has guided the protection and management of more than 1,000 migratory bird species across the United States. Born out of the 1916 Migratory Bird Treaty, it is one of the United States’ oldest and most significant federal wildlife laws. The recently introduced Migratory Bird Protection Act will strengthen this foundational law by codifying protections for migratory bird species at-risk from private industry activities.

©Kirby Mills
Find Out More
For more information about TWS’ Action Center and how to engage in policy issues, contact