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San Francisco Bay Chapter hosts career development workshop
Join the San Francisco Bay Chapter of The Wildlife Society on Nov. 9 and 16 in its first virtual workshop — Environmental Career Development. This career development workshop is applicable to anyone in any stage of their career. The program will be led by three experts in their respective fields, including two women who co-founded a coaching business (The Every Person, LLC), where they provide a launch pad for busy professionals to accelerate their career goals and learn the right tools for networking and successfully navigating interviews. In addition, participants will hear tips and tricks from Lindsay Vivian, a leading environmental guru, who has held multiple roles at Caltrans including her current position as the Chief of the Environmental Analysis Branch. She will also go over her success and failures as well as tips for applying to state and governmental agencies. This workshop is being offered at a greatly reduced rate, so don’t miss out on these invaluable skills and career development tools (including a packet of excellent take-home information).
This workshop will be held on two consecutive Mondays — Nov. 9 and 16 from 6-8 p.m. PST on both evenings.
In addition, we are excited to announce some FREEBIES if you are one of the first 50 people to register for the virtual Environmental Career Development Workshop! We are offering the following incentives to two lucky, randomly selected individuals:
- FREE Resume Package to ONE workshop attendee ($699 value)
- Includes 1:1 consultation with Certified Resume Writer
- Collaborative writing process to ensure your key accomplishments are captured
- Full resume edit (content/formatting/alignment with your target jobs)
- LinkedIn recommendations included
- FREE SF Bay Area TWS Merchandise to ONE workshop attendee ($30-$50 value)
Workshop and registration details are available via the links below:
If you have any questions contact the Professional Development Chair Molly at
Header Image: Sea lions. Credit: Crystal Allen