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North Central Section to host webinar series
The North Central Section of The Wildlife Society is hosting a professional development webinar series with one webinar each month between October and February. Descriptions of each webinar are included below and in this flyer. Register here.
October 21, 2020
12:00-1:00pm CT
All About You! Resumes and Interviewing
Olivia LeDee (U.S. Geological Survey) and Grace Dietsch (Five Rivers MetroParks)
We will share common requirements and best practices for resumes (government, university, NGO). We’ll also spend some time providing live feedback on resumes! Finally, we’ll share typical interview scenarios and tips for success.
November 18, 2020
12:00-1:00pm CT
Leading Effective Online Meetings
Jason Riddle (University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point)
Keeping an attentive audience can be a challenge in an online environment. We will discuss some techniques for keeping both large and smaller groups engaged.
December 16, 2020
12:00-1:00pm CT
Embracing Partnerships to Save a Place for the Firebird in East-central Minnesota
Jodie Provost (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources)
Learn about sharp-tailed grouse management in east-central Minnesota. Partnerships with agencies, non-government organizations, and landowners are critical to saving places for the “firebird” to dance and their populations to survive and thrive.
January 20, 2021 and February 17, 2021 (Two-part session)
Data Exploration to Avoid Common Statistical Problems
Gary J. Roloff (Michigan State University)
Trained wildlife professionals are often expected to have basic data collection and analysis capabilities. Alain Zuur and colleagues (2010) offered a step-by-step procedure for data exploration that ultimately aids in statistical analyses. Here, I offer a workshop based on the Zuur et al. publication. Good for students relatively new to statistical analyses and data management, or as a refresher for non-students.
Header Image: Credit: John Carrel