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Greater Sage-Grouse Won’t Be Federally Listed
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a decision not to list the greater sage-grouse on the Endangered Species Act, drawing criticism from both sides of the debate due to plans signed alongside the decision. While a 2010 finding stated the bird was headed toward potential extinction due to development, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell said that a massive effort since then to recover the bird and restore its range has been successful. She said that the government will still provide protection on 12 million acres of federal land as well as restoring some habitat on private land. Some Republicans and figures in the industry believed the plans are too restrictive on land use while conservationists believe loopholes will make it easy for oil and gas companies to skirt the rules.
Read more at U.S. News and World Report via The Associated Press.
Read The Wildlife Society’s statement regarding the decision.
Header Image: Greater Sage Grouse Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
Image Credit: USFWS Mountain-Prairie, licensed by cc 2.0