Geographical Location: Western

January 2, 2020

Bats are resilient to megafires in the West

As burning from lightning-caused wildfires intensifies in the West, researchers were surprised to find that a number of bats are adapting well to the changes. “We were interested in how...

December 17, 2019

More severe wildfires may decrease northern goshawk habitat

As wildfires become more intense and frequent in the western United States, northern goshawks may be losing important landscapes they rely on in California’s Plumas National Forest. “California spotted owls...

December 12, 2019

JWM: For spotted owls, missing the trees for the forest

Protecting remaining old growth forests won’t always conserve northern spotted owls, a team of researchers found. Instead, they say, managers may need to zoom in to finer scales to see...

December 10, 2019

Endangered Hawaiian duck genetics persist on Kauai

Genetics research reveals the endangered koloa — the only native Hawaiian duck left on the main Hawaiian Islands — persists despite its hybridization with feral mallards. The island of Kauai...

December 6, 2019

TWS section and chapter meetings in January

The Wildlife Society’s sections, chapters and working groups hold meetings and workshops throughout the year. The following meetings are currently scheduled in January: Jan. 16, 2020: Southern California Chapter member...

December 3, 2019

Cameras reveal new Sierra Nevada fox population in Calif.

Wildlife managers have discovered a previously unknown population of potentially endangered foxes high in the mountains of California, according to preliminary results presented in a poster session at the 2019...

November 21, 2019

Vehicle strikes, rodenticide cause L.A. puma deaths

Humans are the main reason for adult mountain lion deaths in a struggling population living on the fringes of California’s largest city over the last two decades. But “different age...

November 15, 2019

Watch: Hazing Hawaii’s endangered geese shows early success

Early indications suggest that intensive hazing with trained canine teams may help protect Hawaii’s state bird while increasing aviation safety. In August, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services Hawaii...

November 13, 2019

California chapter to host workshop on California Environmental Quality Act

Most wildlife and fisheries biologists working in California will encounter the California Environmental Quality Act at some point in their careers — either through assisting with the preparation of a...

November 12, 2019

TWS chapter meetings in December

The Wildlife Society’s sections, chapters and working groups hold meetings and workshops throughout the year. The following meeting is currently scheduled in December: December 12-14: California North Coast Chapter of...