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Scientific commission formed to set climate goals
Three scientists will co-chair a commission that will help identify risks to global environmental risks and set targets to address them. Dubbed the Earth Commission, the group consists of 19 scientists and is chaired by Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Joyeeta Gupta, professor of environment and development in the Global South at the University of Amsterdam; and Dahe Qin, director of the Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Created by the international research organization Future Earth, the commission plans assemble scientific climate knowledge and translate it into into tangible targets for cities and companies. The commission points to recent fires in the Amazon and Arctic warming as indications of the need to take action.
Read more about the commission from Future Earth.
Header Image: A warming Arctic is causing species like the walrus, which relies on sea ice to rest between foraging, to expend extra energy and become displaced from important feeding areas. ©USFWS/Joel Garlich-Miller