Committee Responsibilities
The Newsletter Editor selects and edits information to include in the Chapter newsletter with the assistance of the Board and produces the Chapter newsletter.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Chair and Vice-Chair oversee a committee that focuses on developing technical trainings, workshops, a symposium or other opportunities to promote adaptive knowledge and expertise in wildlife biology, ecology, communications and other fields to meet standards of the national Wildlife Society’s professional certification program. Provide a budget for Board Approval for the first Board Meeting after the Western Section Meeting.
The Scholarship committee notifies schools within the Chapter’s boundaries of the availability of travel grants and academic scholarships, coordinates judging of applications by the Committee or the Board, and notifies applicants of award or denial.
Northern Area
The Northern Region Liaison facilitates and coordinates Chapter activities in the northern part of the Chapter’s boundaries.
Conservation Affairs
Tracks and comments on new legislation related to wildlife management. Participates in the Western Section Conservation Affairs by providing chapter updates. Provides the chapter with updates relation to wildlife management related laws or wildlife issues.
Coordinates with Western Section Diversity Committee to provide human diversity focused events and training. Provides diversity support for existing event planning and chapter operations to increase inclusiveness in our chapter and profession.
The Technology Chair ensures website and social media posts are informative, up-to-date, and professional, and provide the membership with pertinent information. The chair maintains the chapter website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, and the subpage on the National website. Tools used include WordPress, Canva, and Linktree.
Student Outreach
Leads development and implementation of student outreach to colleges within the chapter boundaries. Leads Chapter-wide, campus or district-based outreach strategies to promote TWS-related values or technical information. Works to host presentations, mentorship-type opportunities, or other similar ideas at universities or city colleges that fall within the chapter’s boundaries.
Committee Chairs
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Newsletter Chair: Natasha Nelson
Professional Development: Andrea Gonzalez
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Professional Development Co-Chair: Bonnie Peterson/Bennie Johnson
Scholarship Chair: Robyn Smith
M.S. Ecology, Utah State University
B.S. Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity, UC Davis
Robyn is a Biologist with Janelle Nolan & Associates Environmental Consulting, working mainly on implementing wildlife studies for hydroelectric re-licensing projects and conducting biological analysis in support of NEPA/CEQA processes. Robyn routinely conducts protocol-level surveys for great gray owl, willow flycatcher, yellow-legged frogs, and Yosemite toad. Robyn is certified in wetland delineations and is recently investigating the intimidating but exciting world of botany. Robyn is generally interested in avian population ecology, amphibian conservation, and Sierra Nevada natural history. She also has a special fondness for the Hawaiian Islands – for her master’s degree, she studied the impacts of a non-native frog species on Hawaiian bird communities. In her spare time, Robyn enjoys birding, backpacking, kayaking, and hiking with her dog.
Robyn also previously served as the Chapter Vice President in 2018, President in 2019, and Past President in 2020. |
Northern Area Representative Chair: Kori Hutchison
M.S. Natural Resources/Wildlife, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Graduate Certificate in GIS, Portland State University
B.A. Biology/Emphasis: Ecology, Ethology & Evolution, Bemidji State University
A.A. Liberal Arts & Sciences/Wildlife Ecology Certificate, Vermilion Community College
Kori is a Wildlife Biologist/Field Coordinator for WEST, Inc. in Corvallis, Oregon. She has over a decade of experience in wildlife research and management with federal and state entities, non-profits, universities and consulting firms in California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Iowa. In her free time, Kori enjoys hiking, kayaking, cooking, eating, birding and adventuring with her canine life partner, Shasta Bojangles.
korihutchison(at)gmail(dot)com |
Conservation Affairs Chair: Angela Haas
M.S. Biological Conservation, Sacramento State University
B.S. Ecology and Evolution, UC Santa Barbara
Angela is a Senior Environmental Scientist at the California Department of Water Resources where she serves as an Avian Specialist. Previously, Angela held positions in the academic, non-profit and private sectors working with birds. She studied avian communities in the Central Valley for her master’s thesis, and continues to collaborate with other biologists to gauge local bird population distribution, phenology and behavior. When she’s not working, Angela enjoys hiking/birding/backpacking, playing music or reading a good book.
angelahaas88(at)gmail(dot)com |
Diversity Chair: OPEN
Technology Chair: Carolyn Buesch
B.S. Wildlife Management and Conservation, minor in Geospatial Sciences
Carolyn is a Wildlife Biologist with 6 years of experience working as a seasonal science technician and Environmental Scientist. Species worked with include Northern goshawk, boreal toads, and Mexican spotted owls. She currently works for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. She is interested in the technology committee because it provides opportunities for science communication and professional development. When she’s not working or volunteering for the Chapter, she is reading books, hiking, playing with her cats, and finishing up craft projects. |
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Technology Co-Chair: OPEN
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Student Outreach Chair: OPEN
Contact Us
Mailing Address: 1017 L Street PMB 245 Sacramento, CA 95814