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TWS Bylaws changes approved
This year’s TWS Council election ballots included three proposed changes to the Bylaws, all of which have been approved by the membership. The changes, approved for consideration by Council during their semiannual meeting in Pittsburgh in March, could benefit students and new professionals and will reinstitute the option for a Life Membership.
To view the current TWS Bylaws in their entirety, click this link to download the pdf.
Student Dues
Previously, student dues had been set at 50 percent of regular dues and automatically rose with any increase to regular dues. The amended Bylaws allows Council to annually assess and establish student dues at a price that does not exceed 50 percent of regular dues. This gives Council the option to not automatically raise student dues, and the option to decrease student dues if Council believes it’s in the best interest of students and the Society.
New Professional Dues
Similarly, new professional dues had been set at 50 percent of regular dues plus $10 and automatically rose with any increase to regular dues. The new amendment to Article III allows Council to annually assess and establish new professional dues at a price that does not exceed 50 percent of regular dues plus $10. This gives Council the option to not automatically raise new professional dues, and the option to decrease new professional dues if it’s in the best interest of new professionals and the Society.
Life Member
The bylaws already included a Life Member option that was available to members until Aug. 24, 1965. Back then, members were permitted to pay their fee in installments and the Society found that too many were falling behind on their installment payments and collection efforts were becoming frustrating.
Based on interest expressed by current members and the fact that life membership is successfully being offered by other similar organizations, TWS will be reinstating a Life Member option effective September 1, 2016, with the fee to be determined by Council annually. Council has not yet determined what the initial fee will be, but will do so now that the amendment has been approved. Watch for information in the eWildlifer, at, and your email inbox on the launch and availability of this new membership option during the first week of September.