The March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional

The Wildlife Professional is an exclusive benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published six times annually, the magazine presents timely research news and analysis of trends in the wildlife profession.

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One of the most significant obstacles facing a wide range of species is the fragmentation of the habitats they historically occupied. Connecting these landscapes can be critical for sustaining wildlife, from wolverines blocked by a highway once dubbed “The Meatmaker,” to mountain lions hemmed in by Southern California freeways. In the March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional science writer Joshua Rapp Learn examines the role that wildlife corridors play in helping diverse species disperse and migrate and the important work wildlife managers do to secure them.

In other articles, Associate Editor Dana Kobilinsky explores the efforts timber companies in Oregon are making to protect the Pacific fisher. Leigh Fredrickson, the 2018 Aldo Leopold Memorial Award winner, looks back on his life’s work conserving marsh birds and the role mentors have played along the way. And Out in the Field organizers reflect on the evolution of their initiative to support LGBTQ+ wildlifers. Other contributed articles take a look at Michigan’s novel approach to combating chronic wasting disease, efforts to protect North American salamanders from fungal disease and ecotourism’s role in conservation.

Watch for the issue in your mailbox soon.