Welcome to the San Joaquin Valley Chapter

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Resources and Grants | Meeting Minutes | Workshops | Newsletters | Membership + Flyer

What’s New:

We have a subscription link for our mailing list! It’s a great way to stay in-touch with the Chapter.

Brian Cypher’s new book, The San Joaquin Kit Fox, will ship out on October 5th, 2024 – see flyer for a 30% discount!


An Introductory Guide to the Plants of the Southern San Joaquin Valley

We have a February 2024 newsletter available here.

Complete Volumes of the Western Section’s journal, Western Wildlife, are now available as a single publication: click here to access.

Jeff Davis and others have researched the history of the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Jeff consolidated his findings into a summary table, available here, dating back to 1966.

It’s time to renew your membership! Perhaps you renew through TWS (international) or with the Western Section. If not, you may use the Membership Form and send it to us with the ridiculously small $5 annual fee.

The Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society is available here (years 1966-2010). The Transactions has been renamed to Western Wildlife and is available here.

News from our members:

Petros Chrysafis helps Californians ‘like the wildlife they live with’ by taking a unique approach to deterring livestock killings. Click here for the story!


In 2025 we are forming committees to plan a BNLL workshop in the spring and perhaps a Legless Lizard workshop and/or a bumblebee workshop. If interesting in helping with these committees please send a message to the chapter!


eMammal Snapshot USA: Camera Study in the Sierra Nevada

During 2019 and 2020 Petros Chrysafis participated in eMammal’s Snapshot USA. Snapshot USA is a nationwide effort to obtain camera trap data from all 50 states and from a variety of habitats. Petros represented Central California by setting up camera traps in some of the most representative habitats present in the area. Linked here are published works as a result of the research efforts. He was a recipient of a chapter student research grant and we are excited to share his progress!