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Request for 2015 – 2016 TWS Committees Volunteers
One of the primary responsibilities of the TWS President is to appoint all of our committee volunteers that help make important decisions for TWS, such as selecting our award recipients. This October, our incoming president for 2015-2016, Gary Potts, will begin appointing members to various committees.
Specific committees that currently need to be filled are the following:
Aldo Leopold Award Committee
Caesar Kleberg Award Committee
Chapter of the Year Award
Conservation Education Award
Diversity Award
Donald H. Rusch Memorial Game Bird Research Scholarship
Excellence in Wildlife Education Award
Honorary Membership and Special Recognition Service Awards
Investment Review Committee
Jim McDonough Award
Retired Wildlife Professionals Committee
Student Chapter Advisor of the Year Award
Student Chapter of the Year Award
Wildlife Publication Awards
If you are interested in serving on any of the above committees, we want to hear from you! Send us an email indicating your interest, along with the preferred committee(s) you would like to assist. We thank you in advance for your willingness to volunteer and to help your professional society!
Please email your interest to Gary Potts and Lilly Matheson (TWS headquarters) at
Due to the overwhelming support we get from our members, we often receive more volunteer requests than we can accommodate. If we are unable to include you in this year’s appointments, please stay tuned for future committee opportunities.