Tag: road salt

April 27, 2022

Road salt leads to bloated wood frogs

A growing body of evidence suggests that the road salt used to melt snow on highways, roads and sidewalks in northern areas is trickling into the environment, affecting both aquatic...

May 19, 2020

De-icer may intensify tadpoles’ viral infections

Wood frog tadpoles have more intense ranavirus infections in ponds that have high salinity as a result of being close to roads treated with salt for de-icing. Emily Hall, a...

February 26, 2019

Winter road salt can harm wildlife

Spreading salt on the roads to make winter driving safer may be causing problems for wildlife. In a recent article, scientists reported a large increase of chloride in streams, lakes...

August 28, 2015

How Frogs Cope With Road Salt and Brackish Water

Some frogs may be able to adapt to brackish, salty water, according to new research. “Coastal frogs are less likely to avoid placing their eggs in salt water,” said Molly...