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TWS member Rhys Evans receives lifetime achievement award
The National Military Fish and Wildlife Association honored Evan’s 30-year career
TWS member Rhys Evans has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association. Evans was honored for his career of over 30 years, including work with the Peace Corps, 29 Palms and Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, where he has worked since 2007.
Evans has received multiple awards throughout his career for his work recovering 17 species listed under the Endangered Species Act.
He served on the association’s board for seven years, including serving as president, helped establish the professional certification program and served on multiple working groups.
At The Wildlife Society, Evans helped establish the Military Lands Working Group, served as Western Section president and has been the force behind the popular Quiz Bowl competitions at the Annual Conference.
Evans was also recognized for his work to conserve the western monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), identifying the most Pacific winter resting locations on federal property.
Header Image: Rhys Evans, left, stands with members of the 30th Civil Engineer Squadron environmental office as they pose with a southwestern pond turtle (Actinemys pallida) at Vandenberg Space Force Base. Credit: Ryan Quijas/U.S. Space Force