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Apply Now for Student Travel Grants
The submission site for student travel grants to the TWS 22nd Annual Conference is now open. Apply here.
Grants are available for TWS student members presenting a technical paper or poster at the Society’s Annual Conference in Winnipeg from October 17-21, 2015. Travel grants of up to $500 will be awarded to a limited number of students.
To be eligible, an individual’s paper or poster first must be accepted for presentation by the Program Committee, the organizer of a TWS-sanctioned symposium, special poster session, or the Student Research-in-Progress Poster Session.
Applications and all supporting materials for student travel grants must be received by July 17, 2015. All applicants will be notified of action taken during the first week of August.
Please note grant recipients must pay the appropriate conference registration fee by the early registration deadline, August 15, in order to receive their funding.
For more information and to submit your application visit the 2015 Annual Conference website.