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The December issue of the Wildlife Society Bulletin
The Wildlife Society Bulletin is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published four times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation, focusing on aspects of wildlife that can assist management and conservation.
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Every state with a breeding population of mountain lions offers some level of protection for the species, with one exception—Texas. The state has two known mountain lion populations, one of which appears to be at risk of disappearing. Human-caused mortality rates in Texas are among the highest in the U.S.—well above suggested harvest rates to maintain a stable population. In an opinion piece in the December issue of The Wildlife Society Bulletin, the authors argue that it is time for Texas to create a management plan for the species.
Research articles consider release strategies for endangered Wyoming toads, den supplementation for black bears in coastal British Columbia, Florida sandhill crane use and nesting in managed dry prairie, and more.
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