Tag: Indigenous knowledge

August 2, 2022

WSB: Fort Ancient people managed turkeys centuries ago

About 700 years ago, the Fort Ancient people flourished in parts of the Ohio River valley in Kentucky and its surrounding states. The Indigenous culture had a number of settlements...

January 18, 2022

JWM: Integrating Yurok knowledge and wildlife management

Wildlife researchers are increasing their efforts to interweave western science with Indigenous knowledge to improve wildlife management. Seafha Ramos, a TWS member, has worked with her Yurok community to build...

December 6, 2021

Creating refuges for axolotls in Mexico City

Luis Zambrano was used to surveying fish species in the Yucatan Peninsula before he got involved with studying axolotls. The axolotl used to range more widely throughout Mexico City than...

November 3, 2021

TWS2021: Indigenous hunters teach researchers about seals

Conversations that researchers have had with indigenous hunters in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, have revealed information about where seal species are showing up and how climate change may impact them. By including...

September 13, 2021

Weaving Indigenous knowledge into the North American Model

For many wildlife biologists in the United States and Canada, the approach to wildlife management is embodied by the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation—a concept that wildlife is held...

September 10, 2021

Climate change changes Indigenous seal hunting

A changing climate resulting in reduced sea ice coverage is causing Indigenous seal hunters who rely on the marine mammals for subsistence to change their methods. As the ice continues...

August 6, 2021

Q&A: How can colonialism hinder ecology?

A colonial mindset can hamper wildlifers’ science or fieldwork in a number of ways without them even realizing it. When Madhusudan Katti and his co-authors recently published a paper examining...

October 20, 2020

Indigenous observations track caribou through climate change

It started out as an international collaborative effort to track the potential effects of future oil and gas development on a large, migratory caribou population. But a decade worth of...