Credit: Greg Forcey
As the U.S. moves toward energy independence the growth of wind, photovoltaic, and other solar technologies will require large areas for energy production. Along with the growth, comes multiple issues for wildlife management.
The TWS Renewable Energy Working Group is offering a competitive scholarship of $500 to travel to the annual TWS conference for a presentation (oral or poster). The awardee must be presenting and must agree to give a one-minute “shop talk” at the REWG meeting at the TWS conference. Deadline for applications is August 12.
To apply, please send the following to tws.renewableenergyworkinggroup@gmail.com
- Proof of abstract acceptance (please do not apply until you receive notification of acceptance by TWS)
- 2-page CV
- 300-word cover letter explaining
- Your contributions to the renewable energy and wildlife field of research
- Your career aspirations within the field
- Your thoughts of the main challenge to balancing renewable energy development and wildlife conservation
Membership is available to all current TWS members. You may join our Working Group by logging in to your TWS account.