©Katarina Kieleczawa
Nature Knows No Borders – the IWMWG wants to collaborate with wildlife professionals all over the world.
The IWMWG can provide a forum for knowledge exchange, a network for current and former members working abroad, and can help support new student chapters outside North America.
- To promote meetings and electronic communication among professionals worldwide working in wildlife management and habitat conservation.
- To sponsor symposia and workshops and to host forums at The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference and other affiliated meetings.
- To assist TWS staff in preparing technical reviews, position statements and other materials related to international wildlife management issues.
- To encourage wildlife professionals worldwide to become members and participate in TWS activities and events.
Meet the executive board
Chair: Masahiro Ohnishi
DUTIES: The Chair is the head of our Executive Board, and needs to b3e present at all meetings of both the Executive Board and general membership. The Chair can also appoint standing and special committees; and shall be an ex officio member of all committees.The Chair is our official representative of the Working Group, including to TWS Council. Lastly, the Chair is in charge of submitting an annual report of the Working Group’s activity to the Society. After serving a 2-year term, the Chair then becomes the Past-Chair.
Chair-Elect: Catherine Semcer
DUTIES: If the Chair is absent or otherwise unable to fill their roles and responsibilities, the Chair-Elect steps in. Upon completion of a full term as Chair-elect (2 years), the Chair-elect succeeds to the position of Chair.
Past Chair: Scott Brainerd
DUTIES: The immediate Past Chair helps the current chair with ongoing tasks, and helps advise new Executive Board Members and Chair-Elects about past efforts. The Past Chair serves in this position for another 2 years, for a total of 6 years on the Executive Board.
Secretary-Treasurer: Jason Lombardi
DUTIES: The Secretary-Treasurer is the primary person responsible for files and records of the Working Group. They need to record and issue minutes of all meetings, maintain the Working Group’s files and records, and help the Chair compile and submit to the annual report. The Secretary-Treasurer is also responsible for the funds of the Working Group. They need to record receipt and disbursement of funds; prepare and submit an annual financial report to the Executive Board, Working Group members, and TWS Council; and prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board.
Social Media Editor: Gael Sanchez
DUTIES: The Social Media editor is a member of the Executive Board of the Working Group, and has responsibility to oversee all communications – both internal and external. This includes moderating our Slack Channel, sending email notifications, organising meetings, updating the website, and creating posts/content for our social media channels.

©Caleb Park

©Jonathan Lautenbach
The IWMWG offers financial support to presenters at working group symposiums and panel discussions at the TWS Annual Conference. Thanks to all our members who help make bringing a wealth of international expertise to TWS possible!
Become a member
Membership is available to all current TWS members. You may join our Working Group by logging in to your TWS account.