Search Results for: wild cam

December 4, 2020

Kentucky aquatic snakes have high fungal disease prevalence

Aquatic snake species in Kentucky have high incidences fungal disease, which may affect their behavior without impacting their short-term survival. “We did see that snakes — especially the queen snakes...

December 3, 2020

U.S. Forest Service releases final NEPA rule

A final rule published by the U.S. Forest Service has now changed its National Environmental Policy Act regulations to include new exemptions of projects from environmental review. In addition, the...

December 3, 2020

TWS member works to make buildings safer for birds

TWS member Karen Powers is trying to make her community a little more bird friendly. A wildlife biologist at Radford University, where she serves as the faculty adviser for the...

December 2, 2020

Northernmost polar bears temporarily benefit from warming

Polar bears in one of the northernmost populations in the world are seeing some short-term transient benefits from climate change. Climate change in Kane Basin, between northwestern Greenland and Canada’s...

November 23, 2020

JWM: Lightning strike points to feral horses’ toll

Although it was lonely being by himself in the middle of the Argentine Pampas, the last thing Alberto Scorolli wanted was to meet a friend. He’d been hiking through the...

November 20, 2020

WSB: A new raccoon hairdo can help researchers with identification

When Gregory Geller was developing ways to protect turtle nests, he paid a lot of mind to keeping out predators like raccoons. He designed electric fences, and he needed a...

November 20, 2020

JWM: Chamois survival drops due to climate change

Populations of chamois in the Italian Alps are decreasing due to the ongoing effects of climate change. “The ratio of yearlings to adult females was strongly declining during the study...

November 18, 2020

Wolf sanctuary in Banff stops at the borders

Wolves enjoy a sanctuary in one of Canada’s most iconic national parks, but the area just outside the invisible borders is fraught with danger. “The park is not effectively protecting...

November 13, 2020

Watch: Elk respond to massive Colorado fire

The Cameron Peak Fire is the largest wildfire in Colorado history at nearly 209,000 acres. Colorado Parks and Wildlife has 30 elk (Cervus canadensis) with GPS satellite collars in the...

October 27, 2020

Drones reveal grebes’ nesting activity

Forget about sneaking up on a flock of western grebes. In the Cascade reservoir in western Idaho, the birds sometimes nest on floating patches of vegetation. If they don’t take...