Search Results for: wild cam

September 14, 2020

Cross-border cooperation nets feral swine boar

Cooperation is often the key to successful wildlife management, especially when the species crosses international borders. Feral swine, also wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in the United States are widely accepted...

September 11, 2020

JWM: Red foxes exploit dunes to find plover nests

Some New Jersey coastal towns are characterized by long, linear beaches with narrow dune systems that provide habitat for piping plovers and other wildlife. But researchers say red foxes are...

September 9, 2020

Artificial intelligence can identify individual birds

Studying sociable weaver birds in South Africa, André Ferreira found himself bogged down by how tedious and time consuming it was. The species gathers in colonies, where the birds work...

September 9, 2020

Fukushima’s radioactive soil contaminates snakes

The first thing Hannah Gerke noticed in her research area was the lushness. Plants in yards and along roads were overgrown. Animals had clearly gotten into some of the nearby...

September 4, 2020

Bird numbers change with the weather

Climate change — and the frequent and intense extreme weather it can bring —  influences some birds differently than others. In a study published in Global Change Biology, researchers tapped...

September 3, 2020

Translocating young Hawaiian monk seals improves survival

Shifting young Hawaiian monk seals from their whelping beaches to safer areas free of sharks and the threat of entanglement in marine debris may improve survival for the endangered marine...

August 28, 2020

Busy summer for Wisconsin bear cub rehab

A female black bear with a few irresistibility cute little cubs trailing behind her is an iconic summer scene in the north woods of Wisconsin.  But when the cuteness leads...

August 26, 2020

Snapshot USA seeks biologists to aid national mammal survey

Researchers are recruiting wildlife biologists to contribute to the second year of a project to collect camera trap images to inform scientists about mammals across the United States. Organizers say...

August 21, 2020

Q&A: ‘Unprecedented change’ erodes notion of natural range

According to traditional biology books, birds travel within geographic boundaries they’ve carved for millennia, while amphibians are found in a set series of ponds and lakes. But these are unprecedented...

August 18, 2020

Hawaiian honeycreepers can resist avian malaria

Some native honeycreeper species may be able to survive avian malaria in Hawaii — but this resistance may mean they are allowing the disease to persist and pass on to...