Search Results for: wild cam

December 28, 2020

Numbers matter in bighorn sheep translocation

Smaller translocations of bighorn sheep may be less successful than larger translocations. According to new research that analyzed the genetic makeup of different populations of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) —...

December 18, 2020

Climate change may make lizards vulnerable to predators

Lizards may be able to cope with climate change by rapidly adapting to new temperatures, but not without physically slowing down. These changes in fitness might make the lizards more...

December 18, 2020

Watch: Hordes of river turtles hatch on Amazon tributary

Conservationists watched over the mass hatching of about 100,000 river turtle nestlings on a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil as cameras captured it on film. Giant South American...

December 16, 2020

USFWS declines to list tufted puffin and ptarmigan

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declined to list both the tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) and the southern white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura altipetens) under the Endangered Species Act. The...

December 14, 2020

TWS2020: Mexican farm trends affect jaguar land use

Jaguars don’t always need pristine, untouched wild areas to get by in parts of central Mexico, but they do need a decent level of vegetation cover. Ongoing surveys in Mexico’s...

December 11, 2020

WM: Puma harvest bolsters elk population in western Montana

Mountain lion predation is the main cause of death in young elk calves in western central Montana, but increased harvest on the big cats can result in larger ungulate population...

December 10, 2020

EKU chapter members sharpen fieldwork skills in ecological area

A few miles past Eastern Kentucky University spreads the Taylor Fork Ecological Area. The 60-acre landscape of pasture and forest provides EJU wildlife students a place to hone their skills...

December 8, 2020

Can turbo fladry reduce damage due to feral swine?

Turbo fladry has been used to reduce livestock predation by wolves (Canis lupus) in several Western states. While its use is often in limited areas and seasons, such as calving...

December 7, 2020

Humans have impacted lion genetics over the years

Over the past century, a growing human population has caused movement barriers for lion populations, reducing their genetic diversity. “The African landscape has changed drastically over the past century with...

December 4, 2020

Watch: Vancouver Island marmots are rebounding

Vancouver Island marmots are Canada’s most endangered mammal, but they’re populations have been rebounding. From a low of 30 wild marmots (Marmota vancouverensis) occupying just a few locations in 2003,...