Search Results for: wild cam

February 5, 2021

Watch: Record number of sandhill cranes appear in Arizona

Southern Arizona is seeing what appears to be a record number of migratory sandhill cranes. Observers counted 47,601 of them. About half of those are in the Whitewater Draw Wildlife...

February 4, 2021

Endangered snail kites sensitive to Florida water levels

Endangered snail kites depend on a good balance of water levels in the aquatic ecosystem of southern Florida. Too much water or extremely dry conditions might give different predators easy...

February 3, 2021

New order sets goal to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters

Last week, U.S. President Biden called for the conservation of 30% of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030, a goal — commonly referred to as “30 by 30” —...

February 3, 2021

The deafening underwater soundscape of bearded seals

Bearded seals create a deafening underwater soundscape in the Canadian Arctic Ocean — particularly during mating season. Explorations of the types of sounds they make and the volume of those...

February 1, 2021

Some salamanders have chytrid-resistant skin

Some North American salamander species may have special skin proteins that help them resist otherwise deadly fungal diseases. “Salamanders who are able to limit infections of Bsal or Bd in...

January 29, 2021

Reaching Paris climate objectives could help stabilize seabird distribution

Reaching Paris Agreement objectives will likely bring stability to the winter distributions of seabird species in the North Atlantic Ocean. But a recent study shows if carbon emissions aren’t reduced,...

January 26, 2021

Wolf immigration doesn’t compensate for losses from hunting

For wolf packs in Idaho and Alberta, immigration from other areas doesn’t compensate for their losses. “There was very little immigration, even though harvest was removing individuals,” said Sarah Bassing,...

January 25, 2021

Hundreds of land snails have gone extinct in the past century

Most people don’t pay much attention to snails — especially when the pea-sized gastropods live on a rocky uninhabited islet in Hawaii and don’t even have a name. But Norine...

January 22, 2021

Clearing forests for imperiled rabbits may instead help invasives

Measures taken to improve habitats for New England cottontails in New York state may actually favor their invasive cousins, the eastern cottontail. Clearcutting trees and conducting prescribed fires may be...

January 21, 2021

Small mammals’ presence could indicate healthy Everglades

Marsh rice rats may be good indicators of a properly restored wetland ecosystem in the Florida Everglades. The rats’ presence can tell land managers whether water management plans are working...