Search Results for: wild cam

May 17, 2021

Putting googly eyes on buoys can save seabirds

Adding a pair of google eyes to a buoy can help deter seabirds from getting tangled in fishing gear. Gillnets particularly damage 400,000 seabirds a year. The birds can smell...

May 14, 2021

Salamander egg color reveals evolutionary forces at play

Poking through ponds in the northeastern U.S. when he was a child, Sean Giery remembers coming across different colors of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) eggs — some that were clear and...

May 12, 2021

Translocating bears doesn’t reduce their survival

Translocating nuisance black bears doesn’t affect their survival, researchers found, giving support to the use of the technique to avoid conflicts with people. “I think that it’s important to recognize...

May 10, 2021

In the Keys, does go high while fawns go low

When researchers set up camera traps in the lower Florida Keys, they were focused on the effects of feral cats on endangered marsh rabbits. But when key deer wandered in...

May 10, 2021

JWM: Giraffes develop life-long social groups

Female giraffes may eat from the same trees and drink from the same waterholes, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily come from the same social community. Masai giraffes’ behaviors are...

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May 5, 2021

Virtual Professional Development

Support wildlife professionals, make connections, and discover something new. The Wildlife Society’s monthly webinar series brings you the latest in wildlife science, conservation, and management. Each webinar is supported by...

May 5, 2021

TWS proposes overhaul of bylaws

Other than a few minor amendments here and there, The Wildlife Society’s bylaws haven’t had any major revisions since the 1970s. But as times have changed, and the way the...

May 3, 2021

Wikipedia page views help determine biodiversity awareness

When people want to know the answer to a question, they increasingly turn to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. So when researchers wanted to understand people’s awareness of biodiversity, they went...

May 3, 2021

How can managers help ungulates cross fences?

Wildlife managers may be able to give long-ranging ungulates in the West greater land access by making key changes to fencing. “Fences have been in human civilization for so long,...

April 30, 2021

Colorado bat swarms may be vulnerable to white-nose syndrome

As humans continue to social distance to stop the spread of COVID-19, swarms of bats in Colorado haven’t taken the hint that gathering together could facilitate the spread of a...