Search Results for: wild cam

September 14, 2021

Mind-altering parasite makes hyena cubs bolder

Hyena cubs infected with the toxoplasma parasite, commonly found in domestic cats, become bolder in the face of lions, resulting in higher death rates. Toxoplasma gondii is the parasite that...

September 10, 2021

Climate change changes Indigenous seal hunting

A changing climate resulting in reduced sea ice coverage is causing Indigenous seal hunters who rely on the marine mammals for subsistence to change their methods. As the ice continues...

September 10, 2021

Coyotes and bobcats coexist

Coyotes and bobcats may occasionally come into conflict with one another in North America, but this doesn’t seem to affect the two species on a population level. Wildlife managers had...

September 8, 2021

The keys to successful endangered rat neighborhoods

Nothing can ruin moving into a new area more than finding out you have bad neighbors. Recent research shows neighbors are just as important for endangered kangaroo rats in Southern...

September 7, 2021

As black vultures expand their range, how harmful are they?

Reports of black vulture predation on young livestock in the Midwest have been on the rise as the birds expand their range. The situation has prompted a growing numbers of...

September 7, 2021

JWM: For caribou, not all disturbance is the same

Researchers found that fire disturbance doesn’t negatively affect caribou in the same way as humans do, suggesting that Canadian recovery guidelines should change to reflect caribou’s tolerance of burned landscapes....

August 27, 2021

Wisconsin happenings

These updates originally appeared in the Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Spring 2021 newsletter. Student Chapter reports: University of Wisconsin-Madison Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society Submitted by Cole...

August 26, 2021

BLM reconsiders mineral extraction on 10 million acres

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is reconsidering preventing new mining, drilling or other mineral extraction in areas identified as important for sage-grouse management. The agency’s 2015 plan for management...

August 25, 2021

Barred owls are main culprit in northern spotted owl declines

A meta-analysis of northern spotted owl population data shows that a primary reason for their decline has been the invasion of barred owls from the eastern U.S. Compiling data from...

August 20, 2021

JWM: Cougars prey on feral horses in the Great Basin

GPS tracking collars on cougars have revealed that the predators extensively prey on the burgeoning feral horse populations in the Great Basin. “We found that both male and female [cougars]...