Search Results for: wild cam

January 12, 2022

Beavers help restore Minnesota ecosystems

Since recolonizing Minnesota about 70 years ago, beavers have provided a wealth of ecosystem services that continue to this day. Researchers say the information they’ve uncovered can help managers who...

January 10, 2022

Remembering two luminaries of conservation

When Wini Kessler was a undergraduate zoology student at the University of California, Berkeley in the early 1970s, she sat in on an impromptu seminar offered by a visiting professor....

January 10, 2022

A resident’s suspicion uncovers red wolves’ genetic legacy in Galveston coyotes

Ron Wooten had a rough introduction to the coyotes of Galveston, Texas. A pack ran off with his dog one night. But the experience turned into a fascination with the...

January 5, 2022

Offshore wind farms may increase migratory bat mortality

Offshore wind turbines likely affect some of the same migratory bat species impacted by wind farms on land. According to recent research, many of these strong-flying bats often use offshore...

January 4, 2022

Mapping global threats of biodiversity

Pulling together information on threatened and endangered wildlife, researchers were able to predict which taxa and geographic areas are more likely to face certain threats. This can give conservationists a...

December 10, 2021

Reintroduced whooping cranes are dispersing across Wisconsin

Whooping cranes are dispersing far from their reintroduction sites in Wisconsin, suggesting conservation efforts for the endangered birds are paying off. “We are starting to see the population behaving more...

December 8, 2021

Black-tailed deer return quickly after megafire

Black-tailed deer returned to areas burned by the Mendocino Complex Fire in California—in most cases only a few hours after it scorched the area and trees were still smoldering. Being...

November 22, 2021

Birds congregate in riparian areas in dry years

When Monte Neate-Clegg was a graduate student managing bird banding stations in riparian areas in Utah, he noticed a lot of fluctuation in the number of birds showing up each...

November 18, 2021

TWS2021: Disease, predation causing Appalachian spotted skunk decline

The Appalachian subspecies of the eastern spotted skunk is facing large declines, likely due to a combination of predation and canine distemper, a disease fatal to the carnivores. Concerns about...

November 17, 2021

TWS2021: Even rural squirrels consume plastic

With COVID-19 regulations resulting in a greater use of disposable masks and gloves, students were noticing an increase in plastic showing up in trashcans on Concordia College’s campus in northwestern...