Wildlife Vocalizations: Robin Garwood

TWS member Garwood imparts important life lessons she has learned in her career as a wildlife biologist

Working as a wildlife biologist within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which has multiple use objectives and often does not consider wildlife a priority, is challenging.

Throughout my 30 years with the agency, I’ve learned many life lessons from these challenges, and three have especially been significant.

I have found it helpful to maintain good relationships with coworkers and external partners, even if I have different opinions, objectives and priorities than they do. I have not always been successful in this area, and the failures have taught me the value of maintaining good relationships in accomplishing my objectives.

Garwood monitors the range in a cattle grazing allotment in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Credit: Tim Seeley

A second one has been to embrace new techniques, technology and information, all with a healthy skepticism. I have found that learning new things has kept me engaged and kept burnout at bay.

The third lesson I’ve learned is to find joy in the work I do wherever I can. I try to be mindful of the amazing life and processes that are occurring around me and remind myself that I’m lucky to have a career in this field that I love.

Cultivating positive relationships, learning new things and finding joy are lessons learned during my career, but I consider them lessons important in all aspects of my life.

Garwood releases a sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus) during raptor banding and processing at the Lucky Peak Station Intermountain Bird Observatory in Idaho. Credit: Ed Cutter

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences

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Header Image: Wildlife Vocalizations: Robin Garwood