Search Results for: wild cam

March 14, 2022

Researchers use genetics to track rabies in bats

Researchers have begun to sequence the genes of rabies viruses detected in New England bats using a technique they say can provide important information about how rabies spreads and t...

March 11, 2022

Wifi-equipped animals can improve field monitoring

Krueger National Park in South Africa is home to only about 200 African wild dogs—one of the most endangered canids in the world. But despite their small population size, conservationists...

March 8, 2022

Caribou, muskoxen benefit rare vegetation

Conservation and management of populations of large herbivores like caribou and muskoxen on the Arctic tundra could help maintain rare plant species under climate change. Although it sounds strange, most...

March 1, 2022

Worldwide wolverine analysis reveals research gaps

Two decades of wolverine research conducted across the northern part of the globe has revealed that the main obstacle to their success is habitat loss, though climate change and other...

February 28, 2022

Solar facilities impede Florida panther movement

Solar energy facilities, meant to provide more environmentally friendly energy, may be negatively impacting an endangered species’ ability to move. Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) were protected under the Endangered...

February 25, 2022

WSB: ‘Snotbot’ drones can track whale health and populations

A good drone operator knows fairly well how long a whale stays submerged before it needs to take a breath above water. The flying device isn’t allowed to get within...

February 23, 2022

Q&A: Restoring lost migrations

Many wildlife managers are laser-focused on conserving endangered or threatened species, whether that means protecting and improving the ecosystems where they are currently found or reintroducing wildlife to areas from...

February 18, 2022

JWM: Crows contribute to Karoo dwarf tortoise decline

Human-created structures like windmills and telephone poles are giving crows and ravens a place to nest, enabling them to colonize treeless areas where they prey on young, endangered Karoo dwarf...

February 17, 2022

Lead poisoning is suppressing eagle populations

Lead poisoning is suppressing bald and golden eagle populations across the United States, researchers found, in what they say is the first study to show continent-wide, population-level impacts in the...

February 17, 2022

CEO Ed Arnett addresses Mule Deer Summit

TWS CEO Ed Arnett addressed the inaugural Mule Deer Summit hosted by the Mule Deer Foundation in Salt Lake City. The summit came as biologists described being at an “inflection...