Search Results for: wild cam

August 31, 2022

How do martens and fishers share territory?

Martens and fishers may appear rather similar—almost interchangeable. Fishers are a little bigger than martens, but both furry mustelids are found in forest ecosystems and consume similar types of prey....

August 26, 2022

Rare sea turtles make surprise appearances

For the first time in 75 years, biologists have spotted sea turtle hatchlings in Louisiana. The Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) hatchlings were found in the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, located...

August 25, 2022

Eastern Spotted Skunk Cooperative Study Group recognized

When biologists started noticing a decline in eastern spotted skunks, states began listing it as a species of conservation concern. But scientists realized the species needed a broader collaborative effort...

August 25, 2022

WSB: California bird electrocution hot spot causes fires

Electrocuted raptors aren’t exactly going out with a blaze of glory—but they’re certainly causing blazes in some parts of central California. New research has linked bird electrocution on power lines...

August 22, 2022

Private lands piece earns first Best Contributed Article Award

After a group of wildlifers came together to develop a special issue for The Wildlife Society Bulletin on the importance of private lands conservation in September 2019, they soon realized...

August 19, 2022

TWS2021: Katmai wolves prey on sea otters

The mountains and oceans surrounding Katmai National Park and Preserve keep it isolated from much of the rest of Alaska. The geography makes for a scenic view, but it also...

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August 18, 2022

Spotlight your photography work in this year’s Wildlife Photo Gallery and Contest! The virtual contest is open to all TWS members and is a great way to share wildlife experiences captured...

August 11, 2022

Training, conference, rebranding earn Texas Chapter of the Year Award

The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s success at providing professional training to early career professionals, rebranding their logo to be more inclusive, putting on a successful conference and more...

August 11, 2022

Tiger numbers rise across Asia

Tiger numbers throughout much of Asia are on the rise. The International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates between 3,726 and 5,578 tigers roam the continent. Those numbers are up...

August 10, 2022

TWS2021: Zoos provide healthy painted dogs gene pool

African painted dogs are among the most endangered canids in the world. These predators range widely, albeit thinly, in various pockets of the continent in the wild. The largest contiguous...