Search Results for: wild cam

October 11, 2022

WSB: Furbearer traps can sever grizzly toes

When Clayton Lamb was trapping grizzly bears for a research project to understand bear survival and movement in southeast British Columbia, he noticed that some bears were missing their toes....

October 6, 2022

Cactus wren genetic diversity is declining in Southern California

The high mountains of the Transverse and Peninsular ranges separate cactus wrens along the coast of Southern California from the rest of the species found in the deserts of the...

October 3, 2022

JWM: Snowy weather affects mule deer survival in the winter

In northwest Montana, mule deer face snowy conditions that impact what they eat and how well they survive the region’s cold winters. Some subpopulations are partially migratory. They forage abundant,...

October 3, 2022

West Virginia works to restore bobwhite

West Virginia biologists are working to reestablish bobwhite in the state. The state Division of Natural Resources plans to add an additional 20,000 bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) to wildlife management areas...

September 26, 2022

DNA confirms wolf, not coyote, killed in New York hunt

An animal killed in a New York coyote hunt last year was not a coyote but a wolf, a recent DNA analysis found. The finding contradicts an initial conclusion that...

September 19, 2022

Q&A: Can hunters help monitor scavengers?

A video of bobcats and coyotes tearing into a bloody, rotting carcass isn’t usually inspirational. But when researchers Katharine Stone and Michael McTee were looking to learn more about the...

September 16, 2022

Watch: New wolves ID’d in Oregon

Oregon wildlife officials have identified a new group of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in the state—the third known group in the northern Cascades. “Two wolves were first found in December...

September 13, 2022

Q&A: Tourism could challenge disease refugia

Tourism can be a great way to get people interested in conservation and wildlife in general—seeing animals in their natural habitats can make a huge impression on people. But too...

September 7, 2022

Hard work, field focus wins Texas Tech student chapter of year

One of the best things about Texas Tech University’s TWS student chapter is that its members often spend time out of the classroom and in the field. They work on...

September 7, 2022

California man pleads guilty after smuggling 1,700 reptiles

A man has pleaded guilty for illegally importing reptiles into the United States after agents discovered more than 1,700 animals on him at the Mexican border. He was carrying 60...