Search Results for: wild cam

February 9, 2023

WSB: Harassing geese may not keep them away

In Chicago, geese just went to the park for a while

February 8, 2023

Disagreements dog next steps for mountain lion P-22

Biologists want tissue samples; some Tribal representatives want it buried intact

February 3, 2023

Watch possibly the largest turtle hatching event in the world

Millions of South American river turtles emerged from eggs near border of Brazil and Bolivia

January 30, 2023

WSB: When fieldwork is sabotaged

Tracking wolf populations presents challenges in the best of times. The carnivores are highly mobile and not exactly easy for wildlife biologists to handle. But researchers in Germany face an...

screenshot of new website
January 27, 2023

New TWS website will offer easy navigation and a refreshing look

The Wildlife Society is getting a new look that will appear fresher and more exciting and help members stay up to date on the Society and the wildlife issues they...

A cat and a raccoon cross paths at night in Washington, D.C.
January 25, 2023

Outdoor D.C. cats put themselves and others in danger

Letting pet cats spend time outdoors can put them at risk for contracting diseases, while simultaneously causing harm to wildlife and the ecosystem. This finding came out of a larger...

Jim Heffelfinger (center), poses with TWS CEO Ed Arnett (left) and Casey Stemler from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (right) after receiving the Dallas Safari Club’s Conservation Trailblazer Award.
January 24, 2023

Jim Heffelfinger wins two conservation awards

TWS member Jim Heffelfinger has won two awards commemorating a career of wildlife research and conservation. Heffelfinger, wildlife science coordinator with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, won The Dallas...

kit fox
January 23, 2023

JWM: Texas kit fox populations appear healthy

The kit fox population living in the high elevation grasslands of the Trans-Pecos region of western Texas appears to be doing well. Texas Parks and Wildlife had noticed a decline...

summer tanager
January 20, 2023

Research on human impact on Appalachian songbirds earns student award

As climate and land use changes take place throughout the Appalachians, researchers are watching how different species will react. Hannah Clipp, a PhD candidate at the West Virginia Cooperative Fish...

January 9, 2023

Tracking baby sea turtles to help conservation

Tracking baby sea turtles across vast expanses of ocean can help conservationists determine where sea turtles at risk may face danger from fishing operations or other disturbances. “Clearly, you want...