Search Results for: wild cam

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January 14, 2021

Wyoming Chapter: Board Meeting Minutes, Fall 2020

Board Meeting Minutes Board Minutes – Fall 2020 By Daly Edmunds, Secretary Since our last newsletter, the Board and members met virtually on June 17, July 27, August 27, and...

January 14, 2021

To quiet your mind, listen to the birds

Hearing birds singing, and sometimes perceiving high biodiversity, may increase people’s well-being. Past research had looked at human connections to nature in artificial lab settings or conducting internet surveys about...

January 14, 2021

WSB: Electric shocks deter fish crows from seabird colonies

It may come as a shock, but electrifying fake seabird eggs and filling them with toxins are both strategies that help protect imperiled seabirds from crows. Fish crows (Corvus ossifragus)...

January 12, 2021

Wolf expansion in Wyoming curtails puma population

It was February 1999, and a pack of five wolves had just made their way into the National Elk Refuge in northwest Wyoming. The new pack, which had moved south...

January 11, 2021

Genetic diversity helps predict tortoise translocation success

When scientists reintroduce animals to augment populations, they often take individuals from areas close to the reintroduction site. “There’s this idea to not move animals outside of their native population...

January 11, 2021

WSB: Community scientists help researchers survey frogs

For years, many believed the mute coqui, a small endangered frog endemic to the Virgin Islands, was aptly named. On an island full of chirping tree frog species like the...

January 7, 2021

WWF outlines drone guidelines for conservation

Being precautionary, following ethical rules set by institutions and using the right drone for the job are among some of the “best practice” guidelines the World Wildlife Fund and the...

January 4, 2021

TWS2020: Herbivores, lions in South Africa exploit fire benefits

Prescribed fires in South Africa temporarily benefit herbivores and the lions that prey on them after burns, according to ongoing research. “Our research shows that sometimes there can be community-level...

January 4, 2021

Relocated woodpeckers know how to make a nest

Juvenile red-cockaded woodpeckers translocated to new areas as part of conservation efforts to help the birds recover are just as good as pecking their way into new nests as those...

December 30, 2020

Year in Review: Expanding diversity in the profession

When a birding excursion in Central Park by Black birder Christian Cooper ended in a racist confrontation, it prompted a national discussion about diversity issues in even the natural corners...