Welcome to the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society

SAVE-THE-DATE: ICTWS 2025 Annual Meeting!

This year’s meeting “Wildlife Careers in Focus: Diverse Paths, Shared Purpose” will be held March 17-20, 2025 at the Best Western  in Moscow, Idaho! 

Please check the annual meeting page regularly for updates and upcoming deadlines!

ICTWS Archives now hosted by U of I Library Special Collections

A few years ago, the board of the Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society provided the University of Idaho Library Special Collections with the hardcopies of the chapter’s correspondence, newsletters, and meeting information from 1964-2016. These materials have now all been digitized and are now publicly accessible! We are glad to have this project officially completed and excited to share the finished product with our members. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and especially the previous ICTWS officers that made this possible!

Check it out: https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/ictws/


Welcome our newest officers to the ICTWS Executive Board!

Please welcome our two newest members of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2024-2025 Executive Board, Christina Contreras (Vice-President) and Matt Boone (Treasure)! We are looking forward to making this fun and productive year! 

NEW! ICTWS Mentorship Program

The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society is pleased to announce its brand new Mentorship Program! This initiative has been jointly developed by the ICTWS Membership and Student Affairs Committees over the past year. To kick it off, we are looking for interested wildlife professionals to sign-up. Responses will be collected and curated by the Mentorship Program Coordinator Sandy Amdor (Sandy.Amdor@idfg.idaho.gov) and the ICTWS Secretary Robert Ritson (idahochaptertws@gmail.com). If we have enough interested mentors, we will open it up to prospective student mentees at the Joint Annual Meeting in March. Students will contact the Mentorship Program Coordinator or ICTWS Secretary who will then share the prospective mentor survey responses. It will then be up to the prospective mentees to identify a mentor who meets their interests and contact them directly. The Mentorship Program Guidelines can be found here.

Latest News

ICTWS Federal Land Transfer Position Statement

The ICTWS Federal Land Transfer Position Statement describing ICTWS’s stance on the transfer of federal land to state ownership and management has been finalized. The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society is opposed to this type of transfer for multiple reasons, all of which are outlined in the statement.

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