

President: Morgan Pfander

Wildlife Population Biologist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game

President Elect: Michelle Kemner

Wildlife Staff Biologist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Vice President: Miranda Reinson

Regional Wildlife Biologist – Landowner Sportsman Coordinator
Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Past President: Seth Harju

Biometrician / Wildlife Biologist
Heron Ecological, LLC

Secretary: Robert Ritson, AWB®

Associate Research Scientist
University of Wyoming / Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Treasurer: Ryan Walker

Wildlife Habitat Biologist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Member At-Large: Jessica Patterson

Wildlife Habitat Biologist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Member At-Large: Andrea Kristof

Wildlife Biologist
Camas National Wildlife Refuge

Past ICTWS Officers

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