2025 Call for Awards:
Each year our chapter offers a variety of awards, grants, and scholarships that are presented at our annual meeting. Please consider submitting an application, nominating a worthy recipient, or encouraging others to apply. A brief summary of these opportunities is provided below and a full list with application details is available below.
*** The application window will close on Februbary 14th, 2025 **
Please email all materials in one PDF to: PAChapterTWS@gmail.com
Awards, Grants, & Scholarships
Hoagy Schaadt & Tom Hardisky Graduate Student Travel Grant
The Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society (PATWS) will award one, $1,000 travel grant annually to a graduate student member of PATWS to attend a conference or professional development program.
–Click here for application/more info. (DEADLINE FEB. 14TH)
Northeast Section Student Field Course Scholarship
The Pennsylvania State Chapter of The Wildlife Society will be awarding one, $1,200 scholarship to an undergraduate student to attend the Northeast Section of TWS Wildlife Field Course to be held May 18-31, 2025, at Paul Smith’s College in NY. This is an immersive, valuable learning experience. Visit the Northeast Section website to learn more about the Field Course.
–Click here for application/more info. (DEADLINE FEB.14TH)
Frank Felbaum Scholarship
The Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society established the Frank Felbaum Scholarship thanks to the generosity of Frank Felbaum, longtime director of Pennsylvania’s Wild Resource Conservation Program and tireless conservationist. The scholarship is a one-time $500.00 award intended to assist outstanding students who are pursuing a career in the wildlife field.
–Click here for application/more info. (DEADLINE FEB. 14TH)
Annual Chapter Meeting Student Grants
The Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society will offer twelve (12) grants to cover the cost of student registration to attend The Chapter’s annual conference. The 2025 grant will cover the cost of one student registration including workshops and Saturday lunch but will NOT include extras such as any Friday night mixer fees or lodging. The grant is available to graduate and undergraduate students. Some of the grants will be given to students giving a presentation/poster.
–Click here for application/more info. (DEADLINE FEB. 14TH)
PA TWS Professional Development Grant
The Pennsylvania State Chapter of The Wildlife Society will award one, $1,000 professional development grant to a non-student member of PATWS to attend a conference or professional development program. The Professional Development Grant is intended to provide an opportunity for wildlife professionals to continue their education throughout their career. The grant can be used for registration, travel, lodging, food, supplies, or fees associated with attending a conference or training program.
–Click here for application/more info. (DEADLINE FEB. 14TH)
Gordon Kirkland Lifetime Achievement Award
The Kirkland Award is named in honor of Dr. Gordon Kirkland Jr., noted mammalogist, and Director and Professor of Biology at Shippensburg University. The award is meant to recognize mid-career and beyond professionals with demonstrated accomplishments in and dedication to the wildlife field. This is a peer-nominated award.
–Click here for application/more info. (NEXT AVAILABLE 2026)
*This award is available on a biennial basis, only in the even years.