2015 Wildlife Field Course
Castleton, Vermont
May 17-May 30, 2015
Learn hands-on from professional wildlife biologists during this valuable, immersive experience. PA TWS also sponsors an annual scholarship open to undergraduate students attending Pennsylvania colleges and universities.
A few of the techniques you will learn and topics to be covered:
- Trapping of small mammals
- Telemetry
- Use of chemical immobilization equipment
- Map and compass use
- GPS use
- Wildlife education tools (e.g. Project WILD, Aquatic Project WILD)
- Habitat mapping, bird and herptile surveys
- Discussion sessions on careers and current wildlife conservation and management issues with professional biologists
- Identification of common trees and plants
Visit the Northeast Section website to learn more and register.
Visit the PA TWS Awards page to learn about our scholarship opportunity to attend this course.
Also visit the TWS National website for a recent article on the Field Course.