Search Results for: wild cam

November 12, 2019

Q&A: Reconnecting wildlife managers and researchers

Wildlife managers and academic researchers are facing a growing disconnect that threatens to undermine their ultimate goals of conservation. Jerod Merkle saw a disconnect between wildlife managers and academic researchers...

October 2, 2019

An outflowing of support for LGBTQ+ wildlifers

What began as a middle-of-the-night inspiration became an eye-opening The Wildlife Professional article that inspired an initiative for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the wildlife profession. Travis Booms figured if 40 people...

October 1, 2019

Fish and wildlife leaders: ‘Don’t stop believin’’’

Hundreds of wildlife and fisheries biologists became rock stars for a moment on Monday as Charlton Bonham, director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, led them in the...

August 21, 2019

JWM: Returning captive yellow cardinals to the wild

Twenty-six yellow cardinals in Argentina had come a long way on their path to liberation. Most of the endangered birds were confiscated from poachers or pet owners from various parts...

August 20, 2019

Wildlife Services to review predator management methods in Wyoming

Under the terms of a recent court settlement, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services agreed to conduct an environmental analysis of its predator damage management activities on federal lands...

August 12, 2019

Safari-goers help conservationists through a camera lens

Wildlife biologist Kasim Rafiq was studying the behavior and space use of leopards in Botswana in order to find out how they were interacting with other carnivores. While a main...

August 1, 2019

Coalition rallies around Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

The bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (H.R. 3742) was reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 12. Over 60 original cosponsors joined Reps. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich. and Jeff...

July 3, 2019

Lead ammunition banned for hunting wildlife in California

Lead ammunition is now banned for hunting wildlife in California. The new regulation is actually the final phase of a California law passed in 2013. The regulation came about at...

June 26, 2019

Record number of Mexican wolf pups cross-fostered in wild

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says 12 Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) pups were cross-fostered into the wild this year — the highest number ever in a single breeding...

June 25, 2019

Watch: Recreationists use wildlife overpass

Humans are potentially ruining a newly-built $5 million wildlife overpass meant to give wildlife an option for crossing a highway in Utah. The Utah Department of Transportation built miles of...