Search Results for: wild cam

January 14, 2021

Camera spies rare Catalina Island shrew

A Catalina Island shrew has made an appearance for the first time since 2004, confirming to biologists that the species is not extinct. The shrew appeared on a trail camera...

January 8, 2021

Wildlife Vocalizations: Mercedes Bartkovich

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. One piece of advice that I would specifically give to those that wish...

December 31, 2020

Year in Review: An important year for wildlife policy

The past year was a significant one for wildlife policy. Here are some of the issues that were particularly important for wildlife and TWS priorities. Reconsidering “habitat” The U.S. Fish...

December 28, 2020

Wildlife Vocalizations: Mariana Nagy-Reis

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. I was born and raised in Brazil, where heavy rain, dense forests and...

November 24, 2020

Wildlife is right in your backyard — literally

Some wildlife in North Carolina is more abundant in suburban backyards than in nearby forests, and some of these yards even display more species richness. In 2016, scientists deployed camera...

November 23, 2020

Land use, climate increasingly restrict wildlife home ranges

Throughout the world, the average wildlife species has lost 18% of its natural range due to land use and climate change, researchers found. About 16% of species worldwide have lost...

October 30, 2020

Wildlife Vocalizations: Lauren Polansky

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. Bold wildlife biologists know that rigor is made better by community inclusiveness. They...

October 30, 2020

Mexican photographer documents wildlife along the border

The barriers along the U.S.-Mexican border affect different wildlife species in different ways. Mexican photographer Alejandro Prieto has captured the diverse wildlife here in his Border Wall project, which has...

October 19, 2020

Russian named Wildlife Photographer of the Year

It took him over 11 months to capture the image using motion sensor cameras, but his photo of an endangered Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) earned  Russian photographer Sergey Gorshkov...

October 15, 2020

The September issue of the Wildlife Society Bulletin

The Wildlife Society Bulletin is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published four times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management...