Search Results for: wild cam

May 7, 2021

Wild horses’ wells can benefit other species

The ecological impacts of wild horses and burro usually make for bad news. Scientifically considered feral animals, they are known for damaging the plants and soil of arid ecosystems and...

March 23, 2021

JWM: Oklahoma black bears use mostly wild resources

Black bears moving back into northeast Oklahoma after extirpation in the early 1900s are leery of humans and development, largely preferring wild resources to anthropogenic ones. Recently, the bears have...

March 16, 2021

Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society had successful conference

The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s first virtual conference was a success. The 57th annual conference commenced on Feb 24 and ended on Feb. 26, 2021, and drew a...

March 15, 2021

The March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional

The Wildlife Professional is an exclusive benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published six times annually, the magazine presents timely research news and analysis of trends in the wildlife profession....

March 8, 2021

Wildlife Vocalizations: Valorie Titus

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. There are so many moments in my career that have solidified my love...

March 5, 2021

Watch: Royal turtles in Cambodia lay first eggs in captivity

Royal turtles have laid five clutches of eggs in a conservation center — the first time ever the species has laid eggs in captivity in Cambodia. Royal turtles (Batagur affinis),...

February 23, 2021

Wildlife Vocalizations: Auriel M.V. Fournier

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. I would like to see us critically think about the lessons we take...

February 10, 2021

Suburban coyotes, foxes favor wild prey over pets and trash

Despite their reputation for digging into trashcans and getting into altercations with humans, coyotes in suburban New York are actually eating more natural food sources like white-tailed deer and rodents....

February 9, 2021

Wildlife and human neighbors behave similarly

People who live off the land, such as hunter-gatherers or foraging humans, tend to behave similarly to their wildlife counterparts when it comes to foraging, reproduction and even social interaction,...

January 29, 2021

Watch: Aerial survey studies wildfire’s effects on elk

The Cameron Peak Fire was a massive wildfire that swept across the Colorado landscape last summer —the state’s largest fire in history. To understand the effect on elk (Cervus canadensis)...