Search Results for: wild cam

June 1, 2018

Wildlife Photo Contest registration now open!

Registration for this year’s Wildlife Photo Gallery & Contest is now open! Enter your best, funniest and most creative photos for a chance to win cash prizes and have your...

May 21, 2018

WSB: Which wildlife-friendly fences work for pronghorn?

During a 2003 radio telemetry study, researchers inside helicopters took photographs of pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) capture events. After reviewing the photos, they were surprised to find a pronghorn doe missing...

May 9, 2018

Montana student chapter hosts wildlife extravaganza

Kids and adults were packed into a small, light-green room where Jessi Knudsen Castaneda from Animal Wonders Inc., held Wilbur, a hog-nosed snake. The crowd of kids close to the...

May 1, 2018

Western Section to hold basic camera trapping workshop

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society will hold a workshop on basic camera trapping for wildlife biologists July 6 to 9 at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California. This...

April 20, 2018

Michigan State students, Ugandans collaborate for wildlife

Students at Michigan State University are training to be the next leaders in wildlife conservation while helping people in Uganda develop novel solutions to conservation problems. The students are taking...

April 12, 2018

Putting a price on wildlife helps locals conserve them

In the last decade, an innovative community-based ecotourism strategy has attracted attention in Laos for saving wildlife and supplementing local people’s incomes. Researchers found that paying villagers for tourists’ wildlife...

April 4, 2018

At 102, Wiegers still inspire generations of wildlifers

For many summers in his life, Howard Wiegers led around 20 students as they canoed their way into the Boundary Waters of Ontario to spend some three weeks learning wilderness...

April 2, 2018

TWS salutes women in wildlife biology careers: Claudia Funari

The National Women’s History Project, founded in 1980, is a nonprofit educational organization committed to recognizing and celebrating women’s diverse and significant historical accomplishments. Each March, the group highlights the...

March 26, 2018

Legislators call for funding state & tribal wildlife grants

169 Members of Congress have signed a letter supporting “robust funding” for the State and Tribal Wildlife Grant program in the fiscal year 2019 federal budget.  The ‘Dear Colleagues’ letter...

March 26, 2018

JWM: Camera traps help catch crop raiders and assess losses

In the sustainable-use reserves of Juruá, Brazil, communities can legally obtain fruits, nuts, fish and meat from the protected rainforest, but they chiefly subsist on cultivated cassava, a crop susceptible...