Search Results for: wild cam

July 13, 2016

TWS welcomes new policy interns

The Wildlife Society’s Government Affairs & Partnerships program has welcomed two new interns to the TWS headquarters. Jennifer Becar moved to the east coast from Corvallis, Oregon to pursue TWS’...

July 13, 2016

Piping plovers return to New Jersey beach after 25 years

At Island Beach State Park in New Jersey, wildlife biologists are celebrating the arrival of three birds that look like cotton balls on toothpicks. “That’s not an exaggeration,” said Christina...

June 30, 2016

Human food scraps change Steller’s jay behavior

Crumbs on a picnic table may seem like a minor way to alter an ecosystem, but they and other campground refuse are enough to restructure how jays use space, according...

June 27, 2016

Celebrate the National Park Service’s Centennial in North Carolina

Good news! Not only do you get to visit the great state of North Carolina for TWS 2016, but you get to visit during one of the most spectacular times...

June 23, 2016

Florida black bear hunt canceled for 2016

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission recently voted to hold off on this year’s black bear hunt. Last year, the state’s first bear hunt in 21 years — as...

June 16, 2016

JWM Study: Suburban pumas eat more raccoons, house cats

There’s no shortage of deer in the residential neighborhoods of California’s Santa Cruz Mountains. Nevertheless, the closer pumas (Puma concolor) come to human dwellings, the more likely they are to...

June 16, 2016

JWM Study: Making better predictions of eagle fatalities

To help conserve eagles and help make developers more aware of the effects of wind energy facilities on the birds, researchers recently helped update a model to predict eagle fatalities...

June 13, 2016

A polar bear’s eye view

With a warming climate and less sea ice during the summer, researchers are looking at polar bears’ behaviors during this warmer time of year as well as how they spend...

June 8, 2016

Sneak preview: 2016 conference symposia part two

Last week we highlighted the first half of symposia available to attendees at The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. In part two, find the rest of...

June 7, 2016

Tourism Winnipeg recognizes TWS conference success

Manitoba’s tourism department recently presented TWS members Merlin Shoesmith and Don Sexton the “Bring it Home Award” for helping draw more than 1,500 people to Winnipeg as part of The...