Search Results for: wild cam

April 15, 2016

Game not always umbrella species for conservation

Conserving game species may not always provide trickle-down benefits for all species in ecosystems, according to new research. Sometimes, the effects of sustaining high numbers of these ungulates can cause...

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April 14, 2016

Colorado Chapter: Officers

Officers Officers 2023-2024 President:Robin Russell, robinrssll<dot>gmail<dot>com Past President:Nate Jones (for bio, click HERE), nate<dot>f<dot>jones<at>gmail<dot>com President-Elect: Casey Setash, casey<dot>setash<at>state<dot>co<dot>us Treasurer: Adam Beheny, adam <dot>behney<at>state<dot>co<dot>us Secretary: Mark Fletcher (for bio, click HERE), Fletcher<at>pinyon-env<dot>com...

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April 14, 2016

Colorado Chapter: Small Grants

Small Grants Program Management and Research | Education | Travel | History – Management and Research REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The purpose of the CCTWS Small Grants Program is to encourage...

April 13, 2016

Snow leopards may eat more big animals than previously thought

Snow leopards eat a lot more big ungulates than researchers may think, according to a new study. Snow leopards are notoriously elusive — one member of The Wildlife Society has...

April 12, 2016

Sneak preview part two: 2016 conference workshops

Our 2016 Annual Conference workshops will be conducted on Saturday, October 15. If you missed last week’s announcement of six of the 12 workshops, click here to view that feature...

April 12, 2016

Tracking the spread of bee pathogen in North America

In the game of chess, taking your opponent’s queen puts the rest of the kingdom in danger. Taking queen bumble bees from the U.S. to Europe in the past might...

April 7, 2016

Sneak preview: 2016 conference workshops

The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, promises to be one of our organization’s biggest and best events ever! Early projections indicate that the October 15-19 event will draw...

April 7, 2016

Changing climate is driving snowshoe hares northwards

Snowshoe hares’ traditional habitat in Wisconsin may not be white enough to provide the animals with cover as the climate changes. “The snowshoe hare is perfectly modeled for life on...

April 5, 2016

Gone in an orange flash

During migrations, eastern monarch butterflies used to swoosh by in an orange blur, but an 84 percent decline in over a decade has caused the colorful flashes to be a...

April 5, 2016

The winter is more bitter for mangy wolves

Mangy wolves struggle more to cope with the cold and wind than healthy animals. “They could either consume more to replace those lost calories through heat or they could move...