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Promoting Excellence in Wildlife Stewardship
through Science and Education

Membership to the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society (ICTWS) is available to wildlife professionals in Idaho, as well as other individuals interested in ICTWS’s objectives and activities. Currently, ICTWS has over 200 members. Most members are professional wildlife biologists working for federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities and colleges, consulting firms, and private industry.

Benefits to Members

  • Close association with professionals dedicated to sound biological management of Idaho’s wildlife
  • Participation in the Annual Meeting, where timely resource issues are discussed
  • Receive notices on items of interest to wildlife professionals in Idaho
  • Vote and participate in Chapter functions and activities

How to Join or Renew

We welcome you to the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Membership is by calendar year. It is not necessary to be a member of The Wildlife Society to join ICTWS. To become a member, or renew your annual membership, complete the membership form below or contact the ICTWS Treasurer, Ryan Walker, ryan.walker@idfg.idaho.gov. After completing the membership form below please submit dues using the PayPal button at the bottom of this page.

The Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society is a regional network providing communication between Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The Northwest Section serves to enhance information exchange between the states on regional wildlife issues, and between the states and The Wildlife Society (international organization). You may join the Northwest Section at the same time as you join or renew your ICTWS membership, by choosing the appropriate option from the “Select Annual Dues” dropdown, below.

Membership Options