Geographical Location: Northeastern

June 29, 2018

The July/August Issue of The Wildlife Professional

Poachers and smugglers try to outwit wildlife conservation officers on a daily basis. Efforts to combat wildlife crime and change these illegal behaviors are the focus of the July/August cover...

June 27, 2018

CWD appears in captive Pennsylvania deer

Pennsylvania wildlife officials have confirmed the appearance of chronic-wasting disease in three captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at two deer farms. One farm, in Blair County, where the disease hadn’t...

June 11, 2018

Airplane hangar makes poor site for peregrine nest

Every spring in New England seems to bring stories of poorly located raptor nests resulting in conflicts with humans. At Westover Air Reserve Base, Wildlife Services-Massachusetts had its first peregrine...

June 11, 2018

Rutgers Student Chapter attends conclave, volunteers

The following student chapter news was included in the Spring 2018 newsletter of the New Jersey Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Photos of student chapter activities are also included in...

June 8, 2018

Invasive insects damage bird habitat

Birds that specialize on eastern hemlock forests have been declining as a result of an invasive insect devastating the trees, according to new research. Researchers knew from past studies that...

May 17, 2018

Hooded warbler males ditch nestlings to molt

Hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina) moms must do double duty when the fathers tend to their feathers rather than their chicks. When nesting male hooded warblers replace their plumage in the...

May 1, 2018

The May/June issue of The Wildlife Professional

Hurricane Sandy caused major damage at Delaware’s Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in October 2012. The effort to restore this refuge and other coastal restoration efforts is the focus of...

April 26, 2018

Learn about Blanding’s turtles with the New York Chapter

The New York Chapter of The Wildlife Society, in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environment Conservation, will host a workshop on Blanding’s turtle habitat assessment May 25...

April 18, 2018

U.S. parks may become more vital to birds as climate changes

National parks preserve habitat for hundreds of avian species in the United States. Researchers anticipate these protected areas will host even more extensive bird communities as climate change keeps transforming...

April 11, 2018

New dues structure brings more Northeast Section members

The Wildlife Society’s Northeast Section membership increased from 350 to 1,200 members since it implemented a change in its due structure about eight months ago. In the past, members had...