Search Results for: wild cam

December 16, 2014

World’s Giraffe Populations in Peril

Africa’s iconic giraffe may be in trouble — its population numbers have plummeted by more than 40 percent in the last 15 years, according to estimates from the International Union...

Amphibians in Decline
December 8, 2014

Trouble in the Aquatic World

From the winter issue of The Wildlife Professional. An open-access article, written in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service — a premier partner with The Wildlife Society. How Wildlife Professionals...

December 3, 2014

Parasites in Peril, Researchers Find

Parasites have notorious reputations for not only sapping their hosts of valuable resources, but also spreading disease and infection — a serious threat for hosts teetering on the brink of...

Polar Bear Alaska
December 1, 2014

A Chilly Tale: Balding Polar Bears

A polar bear’s signature white pelt does more than camouflage the large hunter on snow-covered terrains. Its thick fur also provides a vital layer of insulation, protecting it from subfreezing...

Field Course
November 13, 2014

Learn in the Great Outdoors

The Wildlife Society announces the Northeast (NE) Section’s Wildlife Field Course taking place in Castleton, VT from May 17-30, 2015. The NE Section offers a two week long, hands-on, outdoor...

November 6, 2014

Deer, Bats, Foxes, Oh My!

Members of the University of Maryland (UMD) Student Chapter in College Park, MD have been busy conducting several research projects in their surrounding community. Current on-going studies include e-Mammal camera...

November 4, 2014

And the Student Chapter of the Year is…

At The Widlife Society’s 21st Annual Conference, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in Tifton, Georgia was recognized as the Student Chapter of the Year for their accomplishments during the 2013-2014...

October 21, 2014

Fun in San Francisco

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of TWS has recently provided members with several opportunities to learn and engage. Recent events have included a hike to observe Tule Elk at...

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May 31, 2014


The Jim McDonough Award was established through his generosity and long-time support for professional excellence in wildlife management. Jim is noted for his many years of research on cottontail rabbits...

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May 31, 2014


This award recognizes current TWS members who have distinguished themselves through exceptional service to the wildlife profession. TWS Fellows serve as ambassadors of The Wildlife Society and are encouraged to...