Search Results for: wild cam

Rubber plantations
April 29, 2015

Hungry Tire Industry Treads On Southeast Asian Species

The expansion of rubber tree plantations to feed the tire industry could have “catastrophic” impacts on biodiversity in protected parts of Southeast Asia. While rubber plantations have long had a...

April 28, 2015

Mute Swan Adoption Might be an Option

While you may have thought about adopting a dog or a cat as a pet, you probably never considered adopting a swan. But in New York, individuals as well as...

April 24, 2015

Predator Beetles Fight to Save Hemlocks

The responsibility for saving hemlock forests in the eastern United States could rest, at least partly, on the shoulders of tiny “vampire” beetles and the efforts of “ninja beetle collectors.”...

April 23, 2015

On the Road with UMaine Student Chapter

The University of Maine Student Chapter of TWS is very active at all levels of TWS. Student members have spent much of the 2014-2015 academic year traveling to several conferences...

Rick Baydack
April 22, 2015

President’s Podium, April 2015

The Rites of Spring, and Why Do Wildlife Matter? Spring has definitely sprung in Prairie Canada, seemingly much earlier than in the past few years. We generally wintered well in...

UWSP Student Chapter
April 20, 2015

UWSP Student Chapter Hosts Leadership Workshop

The University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point (UWSP) Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society recently hosted its first Leadership Workshop. The workshop was an idea developed by members of the board...

NE Conclave
April 17, 2015

TWS Conclave Draws Nearly 200 Students to Adirondacks

Paul Smith’s College, located in the heart of the Adirondack State Park of New York, recently hosted the TWS Northeast Conclave for the first time in the college’s history.  Approximately...

April 16, 2015

Canadian Section Meeting Sparks Discussion, Networking

The Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society (CSTWS) hosted its annual conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the first time from March 13th through 15th, 2015. The conference was regarded as...

April 15, 2015

Luck Connects Research Bird from Illinois to Nicaragua

Nobody knew precisely where it came from, and it didn’t have a particularly remarkable name when researchers first discovered it in September 2014 in the Seversen Dells Nature Preserve in...

Rectangle 2
April 10, 2015

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